I give you Cliniko templates, handmade by a midwife for midwives, birth workers and lactation consults.


cliniko templates

Sleep Consult

Lactation Consult

Ultrasound reports

28 & 36 Blood Results

6 week postpartum consult

Baby Check over 24 hours

Baby Check at Birth

Labour & Birth Summary


Birth Plan Meeting

Booking-in Appointment

Phone & Telehealth Consult

Postpartum Consult

Pregnancy Consult

Cliniko Templates 
gives you........

Cliniko health practice software is the most user-friendly practice software, but 💭 imagine when you get pre-made templates made for you as a birth worker!

Templates made my a midwife who understands the intricacies of your work and the depth of your interactions with clients.  These templates are not just forms to fill out; they're designed to streamline your workflow, ✨ enhance the quality of your client records, and they allow you to focus more on providing care and less on paperwork.

With these templates, Cliniko transforms from a mere tool into an extension of your care, meticulously designed by someone who truly understands your journey. Feel the difference in how seamlessly documentation integrates with your practice. Start your enhanced experience now.

The Ultimate 


cliniko templates

Discharge Summary 📝 is a comprehensive document that succinctly encapsulates all aspects of care provided. It's created to offer a clear, complete overview to both the client and the referring care provider at the conclusion of your services. This summary includes details of the care journey, outcomes, any complications or interventions, and recommendations for future care or follow-up needs. Designed for clarity and ease of understanding, it ensures a seamless transition and continued care coordination with other health professionals, supporting the client's health journey beyond your services.

Discharge Summary

My comprehensive contracts ensure clarity and ✌️ peace of mind across all services:

🏡 Homebirth Contract: Details the scope of homebirth care, responsibilities, and expectations, ensuring a safe and supported experience.

🌈 Private Midwife Care Contract: Specifies terms of personalised care, including services, confidentiality, and payment, fostering a trusted partnership.

🤱 Lactation Care Contract: Outlines lactation consulting services, including support scope and session details, aimed at enhancing breastfeeding success.

💲 Fees Agreement: Provides a clear outline of costs for services, ensuring transparency around charges and payment schedules.

📸 Media Release Form: Captures consent for the use of any media captured during care, ensuring clients' preferences and privacy are respected.

Each document is meticulously designed to promote mutual understanding and trust, laying the groundwork for a respectful and supportive care relationship.


Tailored Booking-In Forms ensure a smooth start to your services, tailored to each client's needs:

Clinical Care Intake Form: Designed for those requiring 🩺 clinical care, this form captures essential health and pregnancy history, setting the stage for personalised clinical support.

Support-Only Intake Form: For clients seeking support without clinical care, this form gathers 📝 information on preferences and goals, ensuring customised, non-medical assistance.

Lactation Intake Form: Focused on clients in need of 🤱 lactation support, this concise form collects key breastfeeding information, enabling targeted help for successful breastfeeding.

Booking In Forms

Obstetric History Form is designed to swiftly outline any previous complications and identify potential risk factors in a client's current 🤰 pregnancy journey. This template provides a structured approach to gathering detailed obstetric history, enabling practitioners to efficiently capture and assess critical information such as past pregnancies, complications, interventions, and outcomes. 

Obstetric History Form

My Birth History Form Template is designed to capture a client's previous birth history in a clear and concise manner. It offers an organised framework for documenting all relevant details of past births, including 📅 dates, outcomes, and any complications, in a straightforward and accessible format. This template ensures that practitioners can quickly understand a client's obstetric background, facilitating informed decision-making and personalised care planning. With this tool, reviewing a client's birthing history becomes effortless, allowing for a more focused and effective consultation.

Birth History Form

Antenatal Serology Form is designed to capture critical serology and ultrasound information at the onset of 🤰 pregnancy in a quick and user-friendly format. It simplifies the process of recording essential data, allowing for easy reference without the need to 🔎 sift through detailed pathology and ultrasound reports. This template ensures that the initial stages of 🤰 pregnancy are thoroughly documented, offering a streamlined and efficient way to review key 🔑 medical information, enhancing both the care experience and the management of patient records.

Antenatal Booking Serology Form

Get your 🙌 hands on my collection of client form templates, each thoughtfully designed to streamline your client onboarding process. These templates ensure that every critical piece 🧩 of information is captured efficiently and elegantly, setting the foundation for a smooth and professional client experience from the very first interaction.


This Record of Understanding, is broken into 2️⃣ two forms. One for the Midwife to complete and one for the client to complete, making it easy for all parties to transport information and complete required sections.  Forms are also made into the presenting care path for the record of understanding to be performed. 

Record of Understanding

Notice of Birth Form is an essential document tailored for submission to relevant authorities, including Births, Deaths, and 👰🏼‍♀️ Marriages, as required after a birth has been attended. 
This structured form streamlines the process of ensuring that all legal and health documentation is accurately and promptly filed.

Notice of Birth

New Client Inquiry Form is specifically created to capture essential information from potential clients seeking care. This streamlined form gathers a brief summary of the client's current situation, and specific care needs or concerns right from their initial inquiry. By efficiently collecting these 🔑 key details upfront, it ensures a smooth and personalised 💌 response process, allowing you to address inquiries with the most relevant information and guidance. This initial step sets the foundation for a thoughtful and informed care relationship from the very beginning.

New Client
Inquiry Form

Hospital 🏥 Referral Form is designed to consolidate all essential client details, including testing, screening, and ultrasound findings, into one succinct and comprehensive report. This form facilitates efficient communication with hospitals or other care providers, ensuring that they receive a complete picture of the client's health and 🤰 pregnancy journey in a single, organised document. It streamlines the referral process, making it easier for care providers to review vital information quickly and respond with the most appropriate care recommendations, ensuring seamless continuity of care for the client.

Hospital Referral Form

EPDS (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale) Form is a carefully structured tool designed to monitor the emotional health of clients throughout 🤰 pregnancy and into the 🤱 postpartum period. This form provides a sensitive and non-invasive way for clients to communicate their feelings and experiences, helping to identify any ⚠️ signs of emotional distress, depression, or anxiety early on. By regularly checking in with the EPDS Form, you can offer timely support and interventions, ensuring that your clients' mental health is prioritised alongside their physical health during this significant life transition.


Birth Plan Form is designed to 🌟 empower clients in outlining their preferences for their birthing experience. This comprehensive template allows clients to specify their wishes for labour, birth, and 🤱 postpartum care, including considerations for pain management, birthing positions, and any interventions. It serves as a vital communication tool, especially in the event of a 🚑 transfer, ensuring that all care providers are informed of the client's desires and can support their birth plan as closely as possible. 

Birth Plan Form


cliniko templates

Connecting clients to resources with a pre-made
emails linking to resources

Email requesting signatures  with built in contract links

Booking-in email with built in intake form links

Confirmation of service booked

Welcome Pack Emails

Attendance Letters

Fit for work

Confinement Letter

Carers Certificate 


Follow Up email after a Meet & Greet call

Email inquiry responses 

Referral letters for shared care & allied health care

Discharge of care letter

Thank You for your referral letter

Cliniko templates 
gives you........

Say 👋 goodbye to the stress of drafting from scratch and 🙋🏼‍♀️ hello to efficiency; my templates are your gateway to clear, professional, and compassionate communication. Whether you're reaching out to clients, collaborating with healthcare providers, or managing your business affairs, my templates are created to suit every need, saving you ⏰ time and enhancing your connections. 

Effortless Communication with Letter and Email Templates for Birth Workers



individual templates available from $4